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Assessment: Coursework (20%), Exam (80%)
Exam Board: Pearson Edexcel
Duration: 2 Years
Costs: Optional Conference visits and trips. £20 per year for textbooks.
Entry Requirements: English 5. Maths 4. 1 more Grade 5 and 3 grade 4's in your remaining subjects.
Curriculum Leader: Robert Pyburn


In addition to enhancing your knowledge of periods of British and European history, this course will broaden your awareness of aspects such as politics, religion, culture and the position of women and provide an understanding of how and why changes have occurred over time, and how all of this impacts on the world today.


Before You Start

You may be required to complete an activity before you start in order to help introduce you to the subject. Check back in the summer term for more details.

Year 1

In year one students will study two exam units, centred around the theme of Revolutions in early modern and modern Europe. For the first term students will study the unit “France in Revolution, 1774-1799”. This consists of an in depth study of the causes and consequences of the French revolution, and the impacts this had on France’s empire and the wider world. After Christmas students move on to the second unit: “Britain, 1625-1701: conflict, revolution and settlement”. This comprises a study of the key features of monarchical and republican rule in time as well as a focus on key social, economic and religious changes in this period. Through this unit we look at numerous topics, such as the English civil war, the development of radical political ideas, the scientific revolution and the impact of British colonialism, among many others.

Year 2

In year two, students study one exam unit and undertake a coursework task. The exam unit is “The Witch Craze in Britain, Europe and North America, c1580-c1750”. This consists of two breadth studies, focussing on the changing attitudes to witchcraft in Britain and the coming of the age of science and reason. In addition there are five topics we study in depth, focussing on individual instances of the persecution of witches in this period across Britain, Europe and America.

For the coursework unit students carry out an independent enquiry in which they analyse and evaluate interpretations of an historical event. There will be options to return to Twentieth Century history through looking at the debate over when the Holocaust became an intended policy of the Nazi regime or remain in the Tudor period through looking at the debate over the causes of the Pilgrimage of Grace, a major rebellion in northern England in the reign of Henry VIII. We expect to be able to offer a third option on the debate over the nature of the Vichy regime in France 1940-1944 for students who wish to study an entirely new topic that does not ove

Life After Henley

A key course for students planning to continue on to university to study history-related subjects, it also provides a strong grounding for those wishing to pursue many other subject areas at degree level.

In recent years students have gone on to various destinations including university places at Oxford, Durham, Exeter, Queen Mary, Newcastle, Royal Holloway, Manchester, Reading, Sussex, Cardiff, Swansea and Sheffield.

Alternatively, students may consider direct entry into employment or further training.



There are many career options for those with a passion for history including archaeologist, archivist, teacher/lecturer, film production assistant, researcher, architecture and conservation, heritage, media, law and many more. Students may consider direct entry into employment or further training.

Higher Education

A key course for students planning to continue on to university to study history-related subjects, it also provides a strong grounding for those wishing to pursue many other subject areas at degree level.

In recent years students have gone on to various destinations including university places at Oxford, Durham, Exeter, Queen Mary, Newcastle, Royal Holloway, Manchester, Reading, Sussex, Cardiff, Swansea and Sheffield.


Students are required to complete at least 30 hours of enrichement per academic year whilst studying at The Henley College, learn more about Enrichment here.


Learn more about our application process here.