Revision Support

Remember: feeling stressed about exams is normal, but you don't have to struggle on your own.

We have compiled a list on how to tackle exams head on.

You can look after yourself in different ways:

  • Make time for things you enjoy. Find ways to release stress and celebrate progress. You could listen to music, draw, cook, play with a pet or go for a walk. You can try things alone or with friends.
  • Talk to others about how you feel. Connect with other people, especially people who are going through the same thing. For more information, see our page on talking about how you're feeling.
  • Try to find balance. Take regular breaks and be realistic about what you can do in a day. Keep things in perspective and remember that exams won't last forever.
  • Take care of your physical health. Make sure you get enough sleep, food, water and exercise. If you take regular medication, keep up with your routine.
  • Focus on yourself. Try not to compare yourself to others. Think of things you like about yourself and what you're good at – this can help boost your confidence.

While you're preparing an exam, you could try lowering stress levels by:

  • Finding a study group. If there's nothing at college, try starting one with friends or people in your class.
  • Making a revision timetable. This helps organise your revision and your breaks. You can find useful tips on the BBC Bitesize website.
  • Working in the best way for you. Be creative or active if it helps, like drawing diagrams or making up songs. Try being open to different types of studying and revision.
  • Revising in the best place for you. You might prefer the quiet or being around others. If you don't have a space to study at home, you could try at school, the library, a cafe, or a family member or friend's house.

The Pomodoro Technique

  • Identify a task or tasks that you need to complete.
  • Set a timer for 25 minutes.
  • Work on a task with no distractions

(Flora is a free productivity app that helps you stay off your phone, clear to-do lists, and build positive, life-changing habits)

  • When the alarm sounds, take a 5-minute break.
  • Repeat the process 3 more times.
  • Take a longer 30-minute break and start again.


Visual - learning by looking

  • make posters, post-it notes or flashcards
  • use colour-coded revision timetables and notes
  • draw mind maps, spider diagrams or graphs


Verbal – learning by talking

  • go to group revision sessions
  • read your revision notes aloud to yourself or someone else
  • rewrite lesson materials in your own words


Kinesthetic – learning by doing

  • go practice papers
  • go to group revision sessions
  • use flashcards


Auditory – learning by listening

  • record yourself reading your notes and listen back
  • listen to podcasts or audiobooks
  • listen to a playlist while you revise

To help cope with stress on the day of your exam, you could:

  • Prepare your items the night before. Get everything you need ready to take with you, like pens and water for your exam.
  • Start your day the best you can. Try to eat breakfast and make sure you have enough time to arrive at your exam without rushing.
  • Try to ground yourself with a breathing exercise. If you feel overwhelmed in the exam, try to breathe in through your nose for 4 counts, hold it for 2 counts, and breathe out through your mouth for 7 counts. If you repeat this, it can slow your breath and help keep you calm.
  • Take your time. Read the exam carefully and plan what you need to do before answering.

Remind yourself that it'll be over soon. You've done your best and that's all you can do.

To cope with stress and difficult feelings after an exam, you could:

  • Try not to compare your answers to others. If possible, avoid talking to other people about the questions, comparing answers or looking up answers online.
  • Reward yourself. Think of something to do afterwards that you enjoy. You could go out with your friends, play video games, or eat your favourite food.
  • Focus on next steps. Plan what you'll do next, like going home, doing something fun, then revising for the next exam. Think ahead in a positive way – if you have another exam, focus on the time and date that it'll be over.
  • Relax before your next exam. The stress from doing an exam can leave you feeling exhausted. You might find it hard to revise again before you take a break.
  • Remember: you can only try your best. Each new day is a chance to start again.