Exam Access Arrangements

Access Arrangements and Reasonable Adjustments (AARAs)

Access arrangements and reasonable adjustments are adjustments made in exams to support students with additional needs.

When you apply to The Henley College please write on your form all access arrangements that have been granted to you by your current school for GCSE/L2 qualifications). Evidence if these will need to be given to The Henley College so it is vital that you request copies of all the AARA paperwork that your school SENDCo has completed for you so that you can hand it in to Henley College (i.e. Form 8, Form 9, Centre Based Decision Form, any reports regarding difficulties you have experienced at secondary school with learning and exams.)

It is necessary for you to inform The Henley College that you have had access arrangements so that we know you need them. Your school will not tell us.

Please note that access arrangements put in place for qualifications undertaken at GCSE/L2 qualifications and at a different school, do not automatically continue. You may have to be re-assessed by The Henley College assessors and suitable arrangements re-applied for. The paperwork mentioned above is necessary evidence.

After your confirmed enrolment in August, please email the access arrangement paperwork from your school SENDCo (listed above) plus any diagnostic Specific Learning Difficulty report (i.e. dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia) and/or consultant medical evidence report (i.e. ADHD, ASC, diabetes) to examaccess@henleycol.ac.uk This will enable The Henley College to start the process of re-applying for your exam arrangements for your exams here.

For further help and any questions please do not hesitate to e-mail examaccess@henleycol.ac.uk