The Exams Team is here to help you and have an open-door policy for students. The exams office is situated at R133, on Rotherfield Campus.
Main Email: Exams@henleycol.ac.uk
Natalie Green: 01491 634316Examinations Operational Lead: Natalie Green
Chris Molloy: 01491 634324Examinations Co-ordinator: Chris Molloy
Our Exams Department have a selection of further resources and support to help students and their parents/guardians with exams.
Your timetable will be emailed out to your Microsoft college accounts. Text messages will be sent to remind you. A copy of the timetable will be available on the website.
If you need to resit an exam, please complete the below form and return it to exams@henleycol.ac.uk. The cost of resits for summer 2024 is £40.90 per unit plus £10.00 admin fee, this goes up to 17/10/2024 before late fees apply for January resits and 20/03/2025 is for Summer 25 before late fees apply.
Payment can be made via Parent Pay or by calling Deanfield Reception on 01491 579988. Please note we only take credit or debit card payments.
If you have a clash for the same day between two subjects, they will be changed so they are not at the same time and you will be escorted from the hall and placed in a holding room in between each exam.
In the holding room, you will not have access to any electronic devices, including phones and watches. I would advise that you bring a packed lunch with you as you will not be able to mix or talk with anyone until you are escorted back to the hall for your second exam. It is advised that you bring paper notes or books along for the next exam, which you can look over.
If you have three exams in one day the above applies, but you must come to the exam room in R133 as soon as possible to collect a form that must be read, understood, and signed by parents/guardian and brought back to the office asap.
The Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (Ofqual) has created a guide for students on how GCSEs, A Levels, and vocational and technical qualifications will be graded and awarded in the academic year 2023-2024.
Question | Answer |
How will I know where to sit? |
There are a number of options; namely:- 1. During an exam series your seat allocation will be shown on your portal. 2. On the outside of each examination room will be a seating plan. Look for your name (for example Row A Position 1), this will tell you where to sit. 3. For BTEC exams only, in each room you will have a name card on the tables. |
Can I leave an exam early if I finish ahead of time? |
No. You must stay for the duration of the exam as leaving early will cause disruption to other students that are still sitting their exam. Once the exam is finished you will be directed by the invigilator who will inform you that you may leave. |
What happens if I am entitled to the 25%Extra Time and I don’t wish to use it? |
That is fine, but you must stay at your desk for the duration of the exam – for example, English Writing is 1 hr. If the exam starts at 09.30 am you have until 10.30 am to complete the exam in the normal allotted time. But if you are entitled to the 25%ET your finishing time would be 15 mins later – 10.45 am. If you decide that you do not wish to stay for the extra time, you can leave at the normal allotted time of 10.30 am. |
Am I allowed to have a toilet break? | Normally the answer would be no, you should have gone to the toilet prior to entering the exam room. Sometimes though, it is unavoidable. If you do require to have a toilet break, you will be accompanied by an invigilator to the designated toilet and wait with you. You are not to speak to anyone in passing. REMEMBER! YOU ARE STILL SITTING YOUR EXAM!!! Any sign that you are talking with another student, could be misconstrued as potential cheating and therefore would mean your exam would be void. |
Am I allowed to bring a drink in with me? | Yes - only bottled water, it has to be in a clear container with no writing, labels, no design on it. It has to be a clear container only. No other form of soft drink is allowed. For example – squash or diet drinks. Only water. |
Am I allowed to bring my mobile phone with me? |
No! absolutely not!! If you have a mobile with you by accident then you are to hand it over immediately to the lead invigilator before the exam has started, who will hold onto it for you until the exam has ended. If you are caught with your phone on your person, even if it is turned off. It could potentially void your exam. |
Am I allowed to bring my watch in with me? | If you have a normal analogue watch, you can bring it into the exam space, but it has to be removed from your wrist and placed flat on the desk and NOT TO BE TOUCHED for the duration of the exam. So we encourage you not to bring them in. |
Am I allowed Fitbits or Apple Watches? | No! There are to be no electronic devices in the exam area at any time. If one comes into the exam area by mistake, then it must be handed over to the lead invigilator before the exam has started. It can then be collected once the exam has finished. If you are caught with your phone on your person, even if it is turned off. It could potentially void your exam. |
What equipment can I bring into the exam area with me? |
You can bring in the following equipment with you; namely:- 1. Black Pen 2. HB Pencil 3. Ruler 4. Eraser 5. Calculator(no cover) – but only if the exam requires you to do so 6. Mathematical equipment for example set square, compass – but only if the exam requires you to do so. |
What happens if I forget my own equipment – pens, calculator, etc ? |
The lead invigilator will have a small limited supply of basic equipment that you can use in an emergency for your exam. Remember – it is up to you to make sure that you are prepared and ready to take your exam and have all the relevant equipment with you. |
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